Thursday, February 4, 2010

How many?

I've been thinking again lately about how many of "us" there are. "Us" being wives of men with pornography addictions. I sometimes feel so isolated with the problem. It's not like someone asks how you are and you launch into a detailed account of how your husband's issues are going. There is so much shame involved with the problem, and not just for our husbands. I feel ashamed. Partially because I feel it reflects poorly on me because I choose to stay in a relationship with someone who is cheating on me. Partially because it makes me feel like people would judge me, that I was not good enough in some way and that is why my husband has a problem. I realize this is totally ridiculous.

Back to my point. When I was dating my husband I ended up telling 7 people plus my mom and dad about my then boyfriend's problem. (When I just counted that made me feel really loved, that I trusted 7 people enough to tell them, and that I knew I could count on them.) Each of the 5 women I told shared with me a story about someone close to them they knew with the same problem, whether a brother, father, spouse or whoever, they all had someone. And the 2 men? One struggled with the problem himself, and the other with addictions in general. Even my father told me about his struggles with the same addiction growing up.

But almost none of us talk about it openly. On the one hand, it's not really everyone's business. It's not fair to my husband to just tell everyone without being somewhat selective. My husband has on several occasions told me it is my right to tell whoever I need to, but I just don't feel like everyone needs to know. On the other hand, it just plain sucks having no one to talk to. Out of the 7 people I originally told, one knows that the addiction is still more or less a huge problem. The others may wonder, but I suppose that's not really something you ask: "hey, how is your husband's pornography addiction going?" "oh, thank you for asking!" Haha. And plus, I hold to the general rule of not talking crap about your spouse to anyone. An occasional complaint here and there, sure. But I really dislike people who really dish a lot of dirt on their spouse. I realize this is different though. I have no desire to rip on my husband, only to process my own junk and heal.

So there it is, I'm lonely in my problems. I have asked my stake about a women's group, something that I would even be interested in developing an outline for and running, and was told that "a class would be starting soon" but that only one other lady in the stake had asked for something. That was probably 5 months ago. And no class, no group, nothing. I realize it's not anyone's job to make a class just because I ask for one, but it's frustrating the lack of support I feel when I actually make a great effort to ask for help.

I know there are others out there like me. Based on my tiny sample size of 7 friends, ALL of them had someone close to them if not themselves that were/are affected. But I wonder how many of "us" are too scared to ask for help, to embarrassed like I often am, or whatever that stops us from getting together. I love that I can find some of the rest of us online, but what I would love even more is to sit in a room with others who know what it is like and just talk.

Anyway. That was a long ramble. But I think I may go talk to my bishop and ask again about a class/discussion group whatever. I have always thought about starting my own, but how do you advertise for that without implicating my husband? Me in relief society: "Hey everyone, I'm starting a group for wives of porn addicts... Raise your hand if you want to come!" Haha.


  1. Too many. It's heartbreaking how many women are in this boat with us.
    I am with you!...I hate when women, husband bash. It's not my thing, I chose this man...because I love him. Even though he has hurt me beyond what I thought was possible, he is still my favorite person.
    I feel so alone at times. I don't have anyone to really give some of this burden to. Anyone I would tell, I would worry that I was giving them and unfair amount of my stress. So I keep it in. But I feel much differently about talking to other loved ones, hearing other's stories doesn't burden me, so I hope that mine doesn't burden them...Problem is I have never talked to one or met one (I blog at LDSAR, and I also have another internet friend that I email with, but no one in my life knows). I'm sure there are other women around me that struggle with the same...But it's like you said, "Hey everyone, I'm starting a group for wives of porn addicts... Raise your hand if you want to come!"...I have yet to hear that sentence. :)
    I feel like I would be betraying my husband if I out-ed him. It just stinks to carry a secret that I don't even want to tell anyone, but feel so alone with it.
    Thanks so much for your blog. I hope all is going well with the new baby.

  2. Here is my email...You have got to be the busiest person...but if you need to talk I'm here. By the way I'm 28 with 3 kids.

    Summer (again)

  3. Wow, I can sympathize with every word you are saying. We should get back in touch via e-mail... Where do you live? Don't answer that on the web, but if you're comfortable-shoot me an e-mail. Maybe we can chat on the phone. It's interesting, I have been pondering this same topic in my head lately. I've been wanting to write about it too, but haven't found the time to process my thoughts. You hit every point I would have if I had found the time to record my own thoughts. It's such a delicate balance of respecting your husband's privacy, not being a "husband basher" and finding solace and healing by turning to a trusted friend. I talked to a recovering addict once who said that he wishes there was a way to discuss this prominent problem more directly at church. In fact, he said he wished that it was a topic people were comfortable bringing up in Sunday School, in a hope that the ward family could be a strength to marriages in need. I wanted you to know that I completely relate to the isolation that you feel. One thing that has really helped that feeling is attending S-Anon meetings where I realize I am far from alone. Even then, there are still many days where I feel completely alone.

  4. I too can relate. There is a woman in my ward that has a husband with a pornography addiction that was "outed" in a very public fashion, I offered her support when I found out, but have since felt embarassed! How backward is that? I know that we are going through the same types of things, yet I now want to "take back" what I said to her, just for the fact that I am ashamed, and I want to suffer in silence. No, I DON'T want to be silent, but I don't want to be judged either, and I don't even want to go there anymore....
