Monday, January 4, 2010

Forgiveness & Freedom

I came across this quote the other day:

"Other people will say 'I forgive you' but what they really mean is, 'I don't want to talk about this. I can't deal with this. I'm turning you off.' And so the 3 magic words come out and form a wall that shuts out their spouse. True, they're not angry, but that's because they've shut down all emotion and refuse to reconnect."

Ugh, how often do I do this? So unhealthy, but it seems so much easier than dealing with the pain and work of forgiving. Seems being the key word, since it is always harmful in the long run (and short term too).


Changing topics, I want to be free. I want to be free from feeling chained to my husband's addiction. Of course I want him to stop, but that's not really in my control. And I'm tired of feeling like I can feel good if things have been good, and feeling bad when things have been going bad. And now, as I put pieces of the last deceptions together, it seems that I'm always being lied to and things are never going good. I am of course being overly dramatic (it's my way!) and that's not true, but I also don't want to sit around thinking about "did it happen today or not?" because even when I ask, it seems that I'm not always given the truth and then when I eventually find out the truth (I always seem to eventually...) it sucks that much more. So part of me wants to find this freedom by just assuming it's happening and living life as if it is. Or rather living life knowing that it is likely going on secretly and make my decisions in spite of that, instead of being afraid, or distrustful, etc. Of course, that is then inherently distrustful, but I am kind of at a point where I wonder if that is better for my sanity. Anyway, this is kind of rambly, but the bottom line is that I want to not be held back because of something that is A. not my fault B. not something I am doing wrong. I realize that being married to my husband and choosing to stay with him automatically makes me effected by his behaviors/decisions but I don't want to be a slave to that. So, that's enough ramblings for now.


  1. Wow. Good thoughts on forgiveness. I must constantly remember forgiveness is not avoidance, forgetting, excusing wrong behavior, pretending the behavior wasn't hurtful, nor is forgiveness the same as complete reconciliation or trusting again.

    Forgiveness is a process, a moment-to-moment decision, choosing not to treat the other person as their offenses deserve, releasing them to God's justice.

  2. I like that, a moment-to-moment decision. So true.

  3. I appreciate your desire to take care of your family. I wish you the best of luck.

  4. Thanks for sharing your experiences! I look forward to reading more from you. I'll post a link to your blog on mine.
